January 9, 2018

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The Case of R.B.G. vs Inequality by Jonah Winter, illustrated by Stacy Innerst

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , at 8:30 pm by suebe2

Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
The Case of R.B.G. vs Inequality
by Jonah Winter
illustrated by Stacy Innerst
Abrams Books for Young Readers

When Ruth Bader was growing up in Brooklyn, there were a lot of Jewish families but there was also a lot of hate there and elsewhere in the country.  Once when she and her parents were driving cross-country, they spotted a sign outside a resort.  “No Dogs or Jews Allowed.”

In spite of this, Ruth thrived.  Her father was a hard worker but had never graduated from high school.  Her mother finished high school and was an excellent student.  But because she was a girl she got to help earn money to send her brother to college.  She didn’t complain.  She worked hard, read a lot, and saved money for her daughter to go to college.

At Cornell, Ruth studied hard although at first she hid to study.  A girl who wanted a date couldn’t act too smart.  Fortunately she met Martin Ginsburg who loved her as much for her love of learning as he personality.  On the job, in law school, and even teaching at law school, every where she went Ruth Bader Ginsburg found discrimination.  Sometimes it was because she was Jewish.  Sometimes it was because she was a woman but that’s okay.  Ruth was ready to show them what a Jewish girl from Brooklyn could do. From the court of appeals to the US Supreme Court, Ruth has been speaking out for others, dissenting and leading the way.

What an amazing book.  In addition to the inspiration that is RBG herself, the author does not write down to young readers.  Evidence, dissent, argument, these legal terms and more pepper the text which isn’t preachy but inspirational.  Stacy Innerst illustrations pull the reader in as they search for the tiny figure that is RBG on each and every spread.  I hesitated to use the word tiny but when you see the spread on the Supreme Court . . . tiny but mighty.

A definite must for the classroom.  But expect this book to launch discussions on education, discrimination and everyone who is put down or put in their place.


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